Discover the power of AcuEnergetics® at Healing with Heidi

Experience a revolutionary modality that helps to promote your good health while addressing the real cause of your ailment healing the spirit, mind and body.

Our approach

At Healing with Heidi, we specialize in AcuEnergetics®, a cutting-edge therapy that works with the bio-electrical system in the body, by encouraging the body to promote faster, natural healing to ease pain and improve physical and emotional health.

AcuEnergetics® Treatments

AcuEnergetics® has been used clinically for over 20 years and has shown to be overwhelmingly effective in treating a wide range of acute and chronic pain, as well as mental and emotional conditions. Wellness Balances are also used to complement treatments, improve flow and prevent illness.

Providing you with a safe space to Heal

All your sessions will take place in one of our two locations in Minnesota. Each session is tailored to your needs. You will lay on a treatment table and Heidi will open up various energetic centres and channels in the body. During an AcuEnergetics® session the client remains fully clothed at all times.

How AcuEnergetics® Can Help You

  • FLOW

    Improve bio-electrical flow in your body + mind to increase performance, promote wellness and prevent injury

  • HEAL

    Ease pain and symptoms by working on the root cause of your problem, to heal faster + feel better.


    Discover how the bio-electrical system works, so you can influence your physical, emotional and mental health in a positive way.

  • FEEL

    Learn to feel the bio-electricity, so you can encourage better flow in your body + mind. Discover the beauty of feeling and connecting with your heart.

  • CALM

    Experience the wonder of being still in your mind with meditation. Then feel the calm and joy arise.

Meet Heidi

Meet Heidi, Senior AcuEnergetics® Practitioner and Level 1 Teacher. With 9 years of experience in dedicated practice, the healing that Heidi brings is both refreshing and effective. Her life forever changed for the better when she discovered AcuEnergetics® and it has since become her personal life goal to share the wonders this modality can provide with others. Her passion for AcuEnergetics® extends to all people seeking relief from a wide range of ailments and pain. Heidi has a thriving practice seeing clients in both Stillwater and Minneapolis, MN.

“True healing only begins when the electric flow is restored and this is true for both the body and the mind.”

— Kevin Niv Farrow, AcuEnergetics® Founder

Get started with Heidi, today.